Can You Smoke Sage

Cannabis, hemp, and tobacco are a few of the main substances people generally smoke, but that’s not to say they are the only options out there. In fact, there is a wide array of herbs and spices people around the globe have enjoyed throughout history.

a bundle of sage leaves burning next to stones

When it comes to smokable herbs, many people wonder about sage. There are more than 900 types of sage and myriad different uses for the herb. It’s traditionally been used for medicinal purposes around the world and you may also know sage for its ritual uses, on top of the many culinary applications.

If you’re looking to try out sage along with your next helping of cannabis or hemp, or even as a natural alternative all on its own, we’ve got everything you need to know about sage and whether or not it’s OK to smoke.

Key Takeaways

  • Sage has been used historically for a number of applications, and many of those uses are still at play today.
  • Sage is a smokable herb, and it can also be mixed with cannabis and hemp to enhance flavor and effects.
  • Research is still catching up, but studies so far indicate that sage has a variety of potential medicinal applications.
  • Like cannabis, sage has its own terpene profile. Unlike cannabis, sage does not contain THC and is non-psychoactive, so it will not get you high by itself.
  • Sage is just one of many smokable herbs, each with their own collection of perks.

History of Sage and Common Modern Uses

Sage has a long and storied history of medicinal and culinary uses.

Recorded use of sage, or Salvia officinalis, indicates that ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used the herb as a meat preservative. The Greeks and Romans believed that it had the potential to enhance memory. Ancient Romans used sage in cooking to help digest fatty foods, in ceremonies, for wounds to stop bleeding, for ulcers, and in teas for sore throats.

As time progressed, a number of European countries similarly embraced the plant for culinary and medicinal purposes. France grew sage abundantly for teas, and by 812, Germany Emperor Charlemagne planted the crop for trading, most likely for medicinal purposes.

In the West, Native Americans used sage for smudging, a spiritual practice meant to help purify a space and cleanse the soul.

Today, sage is still used for many of the same purposes.

Cooking is one of the most common uses of sage. It’s incredibly tasty, and it also contains a number of nutrients, like fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K, calcium, folate, iron, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin E, copper, and more. It’s considered to be one of the healthiest herbs out there.

Sage is also still commonly used in herbal teas, given its strong flavor and potential to help soothe the throat. Sage has also been used for a number of homeopathic applications, given its host of potential medicinal benefits — but more on that later.

Smudging with sage is still practiced by Native Americans and First Nations communities, along with other sacred herbs like sedar, sweet grass, and tobacco.

Is It OK to Breathe in Sage Smoke?

So, can sage be smoked? The answer is yes.

Sage has been, and still is, smoked in traditional Native American ceremonies. Today, there are a number of herbal smoking blends that heavily rely on sage, given its supportive and aromatic effects. Sage also has low stem content and a light structure, allowing the herb to add a subtle peppery and citrus flavor upon inhalation.

Sage, flowers, and other herbs, can be a great solution for those looking to give up or cut down on tobacco or other substances.

That said, the science behind sage smoking is still limited, and it’s important to remember that smoking of any kind can be tough on the human body. Like anything else, smoking sage in moderation is always best, along with avoiding smoking while pregnant or around children.

Why Do People Smoke Sage?

There are a number of reasons why people may turn to sage as a smokable herb.

As mentioned, smoking sage and other herbs is a common way for smokers to wean themselves off of other smokable substances or to simply dial it down a bit. Many people find that smoking herbs like sage still satisfies the oral fixation of smoking while causing less strain on the body.

Many people also find that sage helps to enhance and ease the smoking experience as a whole. Some users find that sage helps to mellow any burning sensations smoking can cause in the throat — sage is specifically known for relieving congestion, coughs, sore throat, and cold symptoms.

Sage also offers an interesting flavor profile, which shouldn’t come as a shock given its status as a kitchen staple. Adding sage to hemp, cannabis, or your other favorite herbs can be a great way to round out the flavor.

And that’s only covering the smoking experience itself…

What Does Smoking Sage Do to the Body?

The benefits of smoking sage are still broadly unexplored in the realms of science. Still, many people consume herbs like sage for their potential medicinal benefits, even finding that combining sage with cannabis or hemp may actually provide even broader benefits than smoking hemp, cannabis, or sage alone.

A number of recent studies have looked into sage as a medicinal smoke, finding that it contains powerful antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, research has shown that sage can help to improve mood, and cognition, reduce stress, and can help to improve sleep quality by easing symptoms of insomnia.

Does Smoking Sage Get You High? 

While there are a number of potential benefits that come with smoking sage, getting high is not among them. THC is the psychoactive element of cannabis that leads to the sensation of being high. Similarly, if you smoked hemp with high CBD and low, or no, THC — it’s technically the same plant, sure, but you are not going to get high without THC.

The same logic applies to sage. Sage is not a psychoactive or intoxicating plant. It doesn’t contain THC, so smoking it will not result in an altered state of mind or cognition.

Can You Smoke Sage with Weed?

Now, if you want to use sage to enhance your cannabis or hemp experience, rest assured that this is a fairly common practice.

Adding sage to cannabis may result in a smoother smoke and a more well-rounded flavor profile. Just be aware that sage has a very powerful flavor, so a little truly goes a long way. Many people also enjoy mixing sage with cannabis to enjoy the potential benefits of both plants.

Does Sage Have a Terpene Profile?

If you’re familiar with cannabis, you’ve likely heard of terpenes — the compounds responsible for the aroma and flavor profile of a strain that also provide a host of unique benefits. Cannabis is just one of many plants with terpenes; that said, yes, sage indeed has a host of its own terpenes to enjoy!

In fact, sage has a fairly broad terpene profile, but the most plentiful include pinene, camphene, limonene, terpinolene, and humulene. Terpenes in sage could contribute to the entourage effect when mixed with cannabis, essentially helping to synergistically enhance the all-around effects of compounds within the plant like cannabinoids and cannabis terpenes.

Research has also found that specific terpenes may have a number of benefits themselves!

What Herbs Can You Smoke and What Are the Benefits?

Sage may be one of the most common herbs to smoke, though there are a number of others with their own host of unique benefits. Keep these options in mind if you’re looking to embrace an herbal smoking blend, either by itself or to accompany your hemp or cannabis!

This list is far from exhaustive, but here are just a few popular, smokable herbs to get you started. And like anything else, it’s important to smoke any herb and substance in moderation.


Many consider mullein an essential for any smoking blend. Often dubbed one of the softest, most soothing herbs out there, mullein is a member of the snapdragon family. People often use mullein as a respiratory aid, given its many anti-inflammatory properties. It’s cooling and can help to balance out your body while smoking, additionally working to relax your airways.

Like sage, mullein is also commonly used to treat allergies and sore throat. It also has a number of antibacterial properties and can also simply smooth out your smoking blend.


Peppermint is responsible for the distinct menthol flavor present in a number of edible and wellness products. It’s a highly sought after flavor, so of course it makes sense that it’s a great addition to any smoking blend, or simply to enjoy by itself.

Of course, peppermint is a great way to add some flavor to your blend. It’s also commonly used as a purifying agent to replenish the mind and body. Peppermint may also help to relieve tension headaches and migraines, menstrual cramps, and could be beneficial against bacterial infections. Perhaps not so shockingly, given the number of similar applications for mentholated products, peppermint is known to help ease breathing by clearing the lungs and respiratory passages.


Mugwort is a perennial plant, and evidence has suggested that it may help to soothe conditions like stress and digestive issues. Mugwort is also generally said to be mentally stimulating when added to smoking blends.

One of the most well-known effects of mugwort is its effect on dreams. It’s classified as an herbal oneirogen, or a plant that produces or enhances dream-like states of consciousness. This means that using mugwort in any form, including smoking, can potentially promote vivid dreams and help to access and navigate that unconscious state.

Other Smokable Herbs

We can’t dive into every smokable herb for this list; we’ve simply included some of the most popular. Other smokable herbs include lavender, red lotus, sage, rosemary, skullcap, clove, tarragon, lemongrass, anise, oregano, licorice, wormwood… The list goes on.

And like the herbs we’ve mentioned, each also carries its own host of unique flavors and benefits!

Final Thoughts

There’s never been a better time to get into smokable herbs, and sage is a great place to start. With an incredible flavor profile and host of its own unique benefits, sage is one of the most sought after herbs to smoke on its own, with other herbs, or mixed in with hemp or cannabis!

If you’re looking to reduce your smoking or simply amp up your typical hemp or cannabis routine, adding sage or any number of other smokable herbs could be just what you need.

Disclaimers: The information provided in this blog and by this website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be professional medical advice, a medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Please consult your health practitioner with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. 

Cannabis laws in the U.S. are continually shifting; therefore, the information in this article is subject to change. The information in this article does not constitute legal advice, and no entity at Evn-cbd is claiming to provide legal advice. Please visit your official state website for more information on your state’s cannabis laws and regulations.

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