CBD Topical Products For Sale

2 products

Sold out
CBD Salve 500 mgCBD Salve 500 mg
CBD Salve 500 mg
Sale price$35.00
Sold out
Cooling cream 500 mg with mentholA swatch of Evn Cooling Cream on a purple background
CBD Cooling Cream with Menthol
Sale price$45.00
a jar of lavender salve with lavender flowers next to it

Moisturizing CBD Creams and Salves for Pain Relief

Our CBD topical products are high-quality and easy to use. Evn CBD salve is a departure from other run-of-the-mill CBD products: it has 500 mg of CBD goodness, with added eucalyptus and lavender oils to soothe the senses. Evn CBD cream helps soothe sore muscles with a cooling effect, while also moisturizing dry skin.

"Evn keeps their lineup simple, however, they also work incredibly hard to ensure they do them well."